

Gratitude in Everything
A tranquil mind is a remedy; don't let yourself be swayed by external environments or others' words. Maintain inner peace and bodily relaxation, being grateful for all the beauty in life. Regardless of challenges, face them calmly and gracefully.

Life is Beautiful Because of Scars

Scars are the marks we bravely face, and our strength will shine brilliantly and beautifully from within those scars.

One Today is Worth Two Tomorrows

The great Greek philosopher Plato once said, “One today is worth two tomorrows.” Confronted with the unpredictable nature of cancer, there is no time to dwell on how much longer one can live or what the future holds. The key is to cherish the present moment, engaging in the things one desires to do. Even after being diagnosed with cancer, Jimmy, A Taiwanese artist, also known as Ji Mi, remained wholeheartedly dedicated to his artistic pursuits. His creative output continued unabated and even reached its pinnacle post-diagnosis. It is a testament to the power of embracing each “today” with a calm heart. Without holding onto a sense of normalcy and seizing every single moment, such remarkable works wouldn’t be possible. Constantly worrying about the future can induce fear, but concentrating on the present provides stability, allowing us to grasp the essence of time.

Letting go of the past allows for a renewed abundance.

We often hold expectations and nostalgia for people, events, and things from the past. However, when we constantly dwell on the past, it becomes challenging to embrace the energy that new people, events, and things can bring into our lives. 

Life Isn't That Miserable

After being diagnosed with cancer, I wondered why I was so unlucky. However, when I observed that some people in the world live to enhance the well-being of the entire society, dedicating their lives to their beliefs and goals, without ever having time to sit down and truly enjoy life, I realized that I only need to strive to keep living. In comparison, what is there to resent?

Adversity Leads to Growth

In adversity, true growth emerges. People tend to stay within their comfort zones, enjoying the ease of familiar surroundings. I am a vivid example, spending my entire life working in a comfortable environment without the pressure of performance. This led to years of living without realizing the need for improvement, all the while maintaining a falsely positive self-perception.

It wasn’t until I faced cancer and left my work environment that I encountered different groups of people, revealing how limited my perspective had been. 

Prosperity can easily lead to decline, while adversity inspires growth.

Not Being Content Leads to Unhappiness

The desire of individuals is ceaseless, and thus, those who are never content will never find happiness; instead, they will perpetually experience disappointment and pain. People often pursue “financial abundance,” yet they frequently overlook the importance of “spiritual abundance.” To attain “spiritual abundance,” one must consistently harbor a grateful heart, appreciating what they already have and finding joy in life’s small blessings. It is essential to remember that satisfaction cannot be provided by others; true contentment can only be achieved by oneself.

Let go of the burdens in your heart

When we become the subject of gossip in others’ conversations, it’s natural to feel uneasy. However, we often overlook a fact: those who gossip are constantly seeking new topics, and naturally, your matters will be engulfed by new gossip. Therefore, when you hear others discussing you, there’s no need to get upset. Your affairs aren’t as significant to them, and once your topic concludes, they move on to discussing others.

If possible, share your feelings with friends. Through heartfelt connections, even the most gloomy feelings can be eased, leading to a brighter future.

Pay It Forward

On the journey of fighting cancer, I look forward to your support, helping me with my ongoing treatment. This enables me to continue sharing more information to assist others, spreading love. ♥️